Restaurant & Café VÝPŘEŽ
Potatoe chips
8 m from hotel
Kamenická 692
A guide to great places near Hotel Výpřež - Děčín
Amazing and unbelievably cheap sushi! The place looks awful from outside so don't get discouraged. But is has free parking there. Menu 7/8, are the best.
392 m from hotel
Kamenická 657/155
464 m from hotel
Stojite-li na Cisarske vyhlidce, stojite vlastne na betonove strese pozorovatelny a kulometneho hnizda z 30. let.
0.7 km from hotel
U Střelnice 854
0.8 km from hotel
Kamenická 232/89
Za destivych dnu lze zde potkat krasne zbarvene mloky.
0.9 km from hotel
Elisky Krasnohorske
1.0 km from hotel
Amazing food for the price paid. Local yet the kitchen is not! Friendly and kind service
1.7 km from hotel
Oblouková 1413/3
Nice place but they don't show you a lot. All castle is not available for tourists
2.1 km from hotel
Dlouhá jízda 1254